basics – Work From Home Generate Real Income Streams From Home Sun, 20 Sep 2020 12:56:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Basics Of Working From Home Sat, 19 Sep 2020 21:00:55 +0000 Working from home was never a reality for many of us. While working from home has become quite common in the new age of technology, some people still either prefer working from offices or their jobs do not allow them to be able to work from home. However, currently, a lot of us have found ourselves forced to work from home.

Since most of us have no prior experience in working from home, there are some basics which should be followed to make working from home easy and functional.

Make a Schedule:

While most of us may have the flexibility of setting our timetable for working from home, it is better to stick to a schedule we’re used to, or our employers recommend.

To not increase already existing stress, your schedule does not have to be binding. Rearrange it according to what suits you best, as long as you keep getting a considerable amount of work done.

Set a Working Space:

Considering the circumstances, it is not likely that the majority of us already have an existing home office to work from. But, a make-shift space can be made. You need to have a quiet and peaceful space to work from. All you need is a table, a chair, a laptop with a working internet connection, office supplies and you’re good to go!

Have Reliable Electronics and Internet Connection:

Since you will be the connection between you and your company, and will likely need to communicate with them often, having a reliable phone, computer and internet connection is essential for you.

Your working space should have an outlet and a backup electricity supply in case you run out of battery or charging. Make sure you also have a backup internet supply in case your internet is down, such as data on your mobile phone.

Dress Accordingly:

No one will see you while you work, but dressing appropriately will put you in the right frame of mind and will increase your productivity levels.

This does not mean dressing up into formal clothing like you would for a regular office, but changing out of pyjamas into at least day clothes can be a start. While you don’t technically need to do this, it can help demarcate your time from your work time and make it easy to follow a schedule and stay up to date.


While, not having to see your boss or co-workers every day sounds like a good idea, keeping them out of the loop though may not be. If you are working remotely, communication with your employer and colleagues is essential.

Stay in touch with them via email, instant messaging, or programs that allow you to work simultaneously with your colleagues on shared documents. Stay within reach via phone and emails and check-in with your boss or co-workers if you have confusions any time along the way.

Don’t Get Distracted:

Working from home may seem easy, but it can be difficult to keep yourself focused if you’re constantly faced with distractions such as the doorbell ringing or your family talking in the background. Keep your workspace relatively distraction-free.

Consider getting noise-cancellation headphones, or use other methods of sound-proofing. If you live with a family or roommates, let them know that you are not to be disturbed at this time.

Avoid Extra-Curricular Activities in the Time Period:

If there are some household tasks or chores you are required to be tending to while you’re at home, schedule them according to your working timetable so that you don’t need to use your ‘office hours’ for household tasks.

You need to be disciplined and able to manage time efficiently. Avoid taking breaks for cleaning or cooking and schedule time for them later, so they don’t pose a distraction while you work from home.

Keep Your Mind Fresh:

Working from home can over some time become quite lonely and claustrophobic, especially when you’re stuck in a routine and can’t leave your house often. Some ways to keep yourself from falling into the monotony is to keep your mind fresh.

Try to set up your working space near a window so you can have a view of the outside while you work. If you’re not lucky enough for that, keeping an indoor plant near your work table is fairly low-maintenance and can have a positive effect. Keep yourself well hydrated and have healthy snacks in the middle to keep your energy levels up.

These are just a handful of small essentials to fulfill to make working from home a wholesome and positive experience for yourself. Choosing the best environment for yourself and optimizing it according to your needs is the secret to having a successful home office.

Crucial Things To Note About Homeworking Jobs Sat, 19 Sep 2020 20:46:31 +0000 Whether you have already started working from home or are considering working from home, some perquisites need to be fulfilled for your home-based job to be successful. Working from home has a lot of benefits, such as no commuting, flexible schedule and home comfort, but some challenges need to be met.

Homeworking jobs are no walk in the park, and there are some crucial things to know about it before you consider transitioning from an office-based job to a home-based job.

It should be Legal:

Your city or the area where you live may have imposed some restrictions on people trying to start a business from their homes. A lot of jobs require meetings with a lot of clients, and if you think a lot of clients will be coming to your house for meetings, it may pose a problem if your city or homeowners do not allow it. So make sure it is legal in your municipality for you to pursue it.

You will have to put in more of your Time:

It is a common misconception that working from home would mean that you will have to work less because no one is watching over you. This is not true; however, as employees working from home put in more hours than employees working from offices.

A recent study showed that 73% of remote workers were putting in more work than required compared to 68.5% of employees who were working in offices. Also, without a traditional office environment and having the advantage of no clocking out time, remote workers generally tend to overwork if they lose track of time.

Technical Difficulties may slow you down at Times:

It is a fact that you will have to face technical difficulties while you’re working in an office-based job, but if you are remote working, you will have to get accustomed to having to face more technical challenges than the former.

While you’re working at home, technical aid may not be as readily available as you’d wish. Some programs also set up restrictions for those trying to access them out of an office environment. Thus all data may not be available to you on-hand.

So make sure you know about all restricted programs before you decide to work from home. Internet and power failure may also pose to be a problem if you don’t have any backups for them.

Taxes may not apply to you the Same Way:

Working from home means that you will probably be taxed differently than before. You can either be an employee working under someone from home, or a freelancer, and you will need to fulfill certain criteria to be able to subtract home office or business expenses from your taxes.

The office space that you have set up to work from must be used regularly and only for business and must be used for your administrative duties and where you keep your books and records for appointments and supplies you require.

Before you set up your home office, consulting a tax professional is advisable, so you know the exact ins and outs on how to pay your taxes.

Balancing Work and Family will not be Easy:

While you’re trying to balance working from home and maintaining time with your family under the same roof, setting boundaries may become difficult. Working in an office removes the responsibility from your head to have to balance it yourself as it balances it for you, but working from home means you’ll have to set your schedule accordingly.

Some days you will need to give more of your time to your work, and on some days you will have to give more of your time to your family. Getting all your work done and giving your family the required attention is up to you. Make sure your family knows when not to interrupt you and make sure you also know when to stop working.

You will have to face more Distractions than you can think:

Having no one checking up on you while you work to see you staying up to speed may seem like a blessing, but having to keep a constant check on your self is not as easy as it seems. Social Media, chores and general activities around the house may call for you more often while working from a home-based office, and to stay focused is entirely your job.

As seen, home working jobs sound like they would be more relaxed, but they require real effort to be made to be successful. These are just some of the few pointers you must keep yourself vary of while trying to start a home-based office or business.
