There are lots of reasons why people transition from a regular 9-5 job that requires you to sit in an office to a home-based office where you don’t have the constant threat of looking busy in case your boss walks in. Statistics say that people working from home are happier than their counterparts. Of course, happiness is easier to achieve when you work on your own rules.
However, if you usually had been accustomed to a 9-5 on-site job, you will find transitioning to a home-based job quite difficult. But fret not; we have a few tips for you to make the transition easier for you.
Organize your Data:
Transitioning from an office-based job to a home-based job will not be easy, and the first step you should be covering is to organize all your data and files.
Because of being physically apart, your employees or colleagues will need simpler access to files and data that may be under your attention or being handled by you. To provide all necessary information to them promptly will be essential.
Using cloud-based storage where you can keep everything updated and within reach of everyone else working with you will prove to be important. Programs such as Google Drive and Dropbox must become your go-to applications for keeping everyone up to date.
Re-think your Methods of Communication:
Since you will have less face-to-face interaction with your employer, employees or colleagues, you will need to have access to an easy form of communication that can be done remotely.
While trying to save money, a lot of internet-based applications will let you make phone calls and video calls locally and globally, such as WhatsApp, Facetime, Google Hangouts, and Skype, to name a few.
If calls are not required, communication can also be continuously made through emails and instant messaging. Of course, communication in an office-based environment is different from home-based jobs, but it can still stay fairly efficient through other mediums.
Keep Everyone Working:
Perhaps the most difficult part of transitioning from an office-based job to a home-based job is how you keep a check on your co-workers or employees and see if they’re staying on task and are working the required amount. This seems difficult as it is in an office environment and can become ever harder while working from home.
Getting rid of the 9-5 schedule can make this easier as then assessment of how much work is being done can be done based on project deadlines, so your employees can work at their convenience, don’t need constant checking up and keep getting work done.
Perhaps you can reward your employees for results, so they keep achieving them. You can keep track of the amount of work being put in through software like Trello, Toggl and Tick, to name a few.
Get Rid of Security Risks:
With a team spread out and everyone working from different locations, security risks may fast become a concern considering everyone will be working on separate computers and from different networks. Keeping them secure should be made a priority, and you can do so by taking a few essential steps.
Everyone should be updating their passwords regularly, and the passwords chosen must be well secure. Have individual employee devices encrypted for data and emails? Make use of Virtual Private Network (VPN) for remote network access, which can keep most of your online activity encrypted. Company laptops set up to already be secure can perhaps be the best option.
Don’t let Organizational Culture End:
With everyone working from different locations, the previous company culture that your company might’ve had will probably not be very easy to keep up with. However, having a company culture is not everything. Some teams do find it easier to work without having to meet each other constantly. A successful team is one that can work with each other from anywhere, treat each other with respect and get work done efficiently.
However, that does not mean you don’t have to see each other’s faces at all. You can very well keep the organizational culture alive through meetings such as monthly meetings, holiday parties or any other form of get-together, so you don’t forget how your colleagues look. Making use of regular video conferences and meetings over Skype or other programs to go over plans and tasks can also play its part in keeping the company culture living.
Going through the transition may not seem easy initially if you have never worked remotely before. Still, there are lots of examples worldwide of remotely working companies and organizations that have proven themselves to be quite successful. While the thought of transitioning may seem daunting if you follow the basic protocols, you too can make it a success for yourself!